How we can help

Taking care of what you love

Our hearing aids aren't just devices, they're our daily companions on our hearing health journey. Learning to care for and maintain your hearing aids not only means you'll get the most out of your hearing experience, but you'll also have them along for the ride for much longer.
Hearing aid maintenance

How to care for your hearing aids

Hearing aid maintenance isn't just about keeping them in a safe place and trying not to drop them. There are plenty more ways to ensure you're getting the most out of your devices and keeping them out of harms way. Avoiding exposure to too much moisture, cleaning them and storing them at the proper temperature and location are all essential steps when it comes to caring for them. Take a look at our list of dos and don'ts and learn how you can make hearing aid maintenance a part of your daily routine.

The DOs of hearing aid care

  • Store them properly

    Make sure to store your hearing aids in a dry, cool place. Extreme temperatures and moisture can both be very damaging to your hearing devices.
  • Protect the batteries

    Turn off the batteries when you're not using your hearing aids. If your hearing aid batteries aren't rechargeable, test them with a digital battery tester and replace them well before they run out. If they're rechargeable, place them in the charging unit at night. It's also helpful to remove batteries and clean their contact points occasionally.
  • Use a hearing aid dryer

    Keeping your hearing aids dry is an essential step in maintaining and extending their lifespan and function. Sweat and moisture build-up, especially if you live an active life, are inevitable throughout the day. Using a hearing aid dryer is an efficient way to effectively clean and dry your hearing aids. The PerfectDry Lux™  from Widex, for example, even uses a UV light to kill up to 99.9% of germs and bacteria.
  • Keep them clean

    Before touching your hearing aids, make sure to wash your hands to remove any dirt or oil. Change the wax guard filters on your devices occasionally to remove any unwanted dirt and make sure to use the cloth or brush they came with.
  • Take the extra step

    Apart from cleaning, storing and charging, you can take other steps in the best interest of your hearing health companion. When caring for your hearing aids, always do so over a soft surface—just in case you drop them. When it's cold outside, you can also wear a hat over your ears to help protect your hearing aids from extreme temperatures. And hey, your ears will thank you, too.
A hearing loss can isolate you and make you withdraw from social situations

The DON'Ts of hearing aid care

  • Get them wet

    Don't wear them while your showering or swimming. Your hearing aids have sensitive and delicate technology inside of them and water can damage them.
  • Expose them to extremes

    Your hearing aids can be damaged if exposed to extreme temperatures or environments. Make sure you don't store them in direct sunlight, in your car or near a heater. It's also essential to remove them for CAT, MRI or any other electromagnetic scans.
  • Include them in your beauty routine

    Heat from a hair dryer, chemicals from your hair spray and oils from other hair and skin products can be damaging to your hearing aids. It's best to pop them in once you're finished getting ready for the day.
  • Endanger your loved ones

    The battery is the heart and soul of your hearing device, but it can be deadly if swallowed. Don't leave your hearing aid batteries in any place they could be picked up and ingested by small children or pets.
Wearing hearing aids at your workplace will make sure that you don't miss punch lines in meetings
Maintenance 101

Taking care of your hearing aids

Regular cleaning is essential to the functioning and longevity of your hearing aids' lifespan. Nevertheless occasional repairs and updates may also be necessary from time to time. To ensure the proper functioning of your devices, make sure to:

Clean them daily

Simply wipe your hearing aids down with a soft, dry cloth to remove any dirt and debris. You can also use the tools that came with your hearing aids to remove any wax buildup. Your Hearing Care Professional can show you how to remove wax and thoroughly clean your device.

Schedule regular check-ups

Just like we require the occasional doctor's visit to make sure we're fit and healthy, so too do your hearing aids. Schedule a visit to see your Hearing care Professional every 4 to 6 months so they can ensure everything is functioning the way it should.

Even with the best care, adjustments may need to be made to your hearing aids occasionally. This may include changing tubes and wax guards, cleaning the receiver and adjusting your sound settings. If you feel you're not getting the most out of your hearing aids, don't hesitate to contact your Hearing Care Professional. The slightest adjustment could make all the difference.
Wearing a hearing aids when you are with other people gives you stregth and energy
Hearing aid drama

Common causes of damage

Our electronic devices are with us wherever we go. A phone in the back pocket, laptop computer thrown in your bookbag—in the rush of the day, all we can say is “stuff happens". Your hearing aids are no different. Packed with fine, electric components, things can shift or break in unexpected circumstances. But there are more likely scenarios and culprits to watch out for:
  • Pets and small children getting ahold of them

  • Falling out when removing your mask or tighter clothing items

  • Putting them in your pockets (and then washing them)

  • Accidentally stepping on them when they're pulled out in tight spaces

The best thing you can do to avoid damage in these cases? Make sure to remove your hearing aids in the same place and store them away from children and pets. If they do happen to fall out, be aware of your surroundings. Watch your step and make sure you don't trod on them.
Hearing aid troubleshooting

Where's the trouble?

If you are unsure why your hearing aids aren't working properly, you can always contact your Hearing Care Professional. However, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take first. Sometimes you may find a quick fix to your problem.
  • Check the battery:

    It may be that the battery isn't inserted properly. Double check that the positive, shiny side of the battery is facing up.
  • Change the wax filter:

    Wax build-up may be affecting the function of your hearing aids. Changing the filter can help remove any unwanted wax, dirt or debris that may be clogging things up.
  • Clean them up:

    Your hearing aids may just be in need of a little TLC. Use the brush and wax loop to gently remove any debris that may be clogging up ports and vents.
  • Replace silicone domes:

    The tips at the end of your hearing aid tubing should be replaced every four to six weeks. Is it time for yours to be swapped out?
  • Tube time:

    The tubes of your hearing aids should be replaced every three to six months. If you start to notice a build-up of debris, contact your Hearing Care Professional for help.
Repair and adjustments

When to reach out

If you've tried the troubleshooting tactics above but still aren't getting the most out of your hearing aids, it's time to call in the pros. Your Hearing Care Professional can help you identify the problem and how to fix it. Whether it's just a small adjustment or a big repair ahead, you're in good hands with HearUSA.

Don't hesitate to contact HearUSA today to find your local store and book an appointment with one of our experts.

Don't worry, accidents happen

Your hearing aids are there with you for every experience and adventure you have. That also means they go through the wear and tear of everyday use. If you notice damage to your hearing aids, don't panic. Your local HearUSA center and Hearing Care Professional can help make sure they're back up and running at full speed in no time. Small repairs and cleanings can even be done right in the center. Bigger repairs will be done by the manufacturer. Even if your hearing aids aren't covered by warranty, most repairs can be taken care of if the device is less than 5 years old.

A note of caution: If you notice your hearing aids are damaged, do not try to repair them yourself. This could result in more damage to the device and, in the worst case, may void the "Loss and Damage" or insurance coverage. Simply call or visit your local HearUSA center and we'll take care of everything.
Experience the joys of an active lifestyle and share moments of adventure with the enhanced hearing provided by hearing aids
Hearing aids upkeep

Are you up for an upgrade

As your needs change and your hearing aids age, chances are, your hearing aids need some extra attention. Here's how you know it's time for an upgrade.

Hearing aid care: FAQ

How do I clean my hearing aids?

What hearing aid cleaning tools do I need?

How do I clean the wax out of my hearing aids?

How often should a hearing aid be cleaned?

Can I use alcohol to clean my hearing aids?

How do I dry my hearing aids?

Talk to an expert in one of our hearing centers.

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