How we can help

Top fit with hearing loss

Though we cannot all be Jane Fondas, we can stay in the game of keeping fit. Be it biking around the neighborhood, walking Spotty, or when someone shouts, "Hey, you dropped your wallet!" on your morning jog in the park. And if a black bear is moaning nearby in the woods, you'll want to be in the know. 
Hearing aids will help you chat to your friends on a bike ride
Physical fitness and your hearing health

Hearing loss and exercise

Hearing health is at the top of your list for wellbeing. Exercise is a great way to combat hearing loss (and grumpiness in general). Even if you may feel sluggish at first, after the first 10 minutes, you will see that it actually helps increase energy and improve your mood.

Living with unchecked hearing loss can wear you down mentally and physically as your brain tries harder to process what your ears are taking in. One of the many advantages of hearing devices is also the added safety: imagine hearing the bell of a bike approaching while you're on your morning jog, or the banter of your teammate in a game of doubles in tennis. (You're missing her jokes.) While listening to your favorite podcasts can cut you off from your surroundings, with hearing aids, you'll be able to stream directly and still maintain a healthy awareness of outside noises.

Can exercise improve hearing loss?

Love your body and it will love you back. Our bodies benefit from exercise. The same holds true for our ears and hearing. Research suggests that exercise hinders and even prevents other issues that may lead to hearing loss.

Did you know...

  •  A 10-year-long study at the Miami University revealed that people over 50 who maintained a moderate-to-high fitness level remained at the hearing levels of people in their 30s.
  • Especially your inner ear, that crazy snail-shaped part, really craves a high-cardio workout.
  • There are specific yoga poses to address the ringing in your ears known as tinnitus. Yoga and stretching in general are also great ways to get the blood circulating and oxygen flowing.
  • Swimmers can benefit from earplugs. Moisture is an invitation to bacteria, fungi and viruses which can lead to a condition known as “swimmer’s ear” and temporary hearing loss. Also remember that Q-tips are an absolute no-no.
More about hearing aids and exercise

Working out with hearing aids

Until only recently, exercising with hearing aids was difficult. Too much sweat, hearing aids falling off – struggles that led many hearing aid wearers to either skip the workout or ditch their hearing aids, putting their lives in danger.

Today there are a number of top hearing aids for sports and activities. And importantly, they keep you safe. (Hear the car racing up behind you, heed the warnings of the alligator at Hole 8.)

Sweat-resistant hearing aids

Sweat-resistant hearing aids have literally changed the game for countless people wanting to stay active despite their hearing loss.

Many hearing aids are designed to prevent damage from moisture or sweat. It's still important to wipe down and clean your hearing aids after physical activity.

Water-resistant hearing aids, such as Widex Moment™, are designed to reduce the risk of moisture damage with an advanced water-resistant nano-coating. In the rechargeable edition, there is no battery door, which means fewer gaps for moisture to sneak into.

Hearing aids, such as Signia Active, look like normal earbuds or in-the-ear headphones and ensure that you can hear the macho racecar driver approaching while you are out for your evening walk with the dog. These hearing aids enable you to hone in on the sound you want to hear. Furthermore, because they cover the entrance to your ear, they perform the seemingly impossible by fitting out that should-be-whistling wind.

For swimming, you will need to take out your hearing aids and for rechargeable aids, such as Widex Moment™ or Signia Active, you can pop them in your portable case. They'll charge while you're in the water.
Hearing aids will give you the pleasure of the sounds of nature

How wet can hearing aids get?

In general, you don't want to dunk your hearing aids in the fish tank or jacuzzi. Depending on your type of hearing aids, a few beads of sweat or raindrops are okay. Hearing aids are happiest when you dip your feet in the ocean. They don't like laps in the pool.


When you do swim (and swim you should), leave your trusted hearing aid 'assistants' by the poolside, safe and dry. They'll bide their time in a snuggly protective case, recharging and getting ready to go when you are.

Hearing problems while exercising

Now is the time to nurture your hearing health. Our Hearing Care Professionals are here to help you get back into the saddle or gym. Talk to us about options. It's a team effort to get you back to an active lifestyle (no megaphones needed). Get started by simply trying out our online hearing screening.
Online hearing screening

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Multi generation family enjoying meal in garden together using hearing aids

Be on the lookout: Signs of hearing loss

Supporting your hearing health shouldn't be a mystery. It's time to skip the guessing game and get some answers. Once you know what to look for, you'll be even more empowered to find the solution that's best for you. Make sure not to miss out on family fun time any more.
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Getting help for your hearing loss

Hearing loss not only affects how you hear, but how well your brain is able to function. From protecting your physical and mental well-being to improving your career outlooks, your hearing plays an essential role in it all. With HearUSA by your side, you’ll have all the tools you need to stop the effects of hearing loss and start hearing better today.

Talk to an expert in one of our hearing centers.

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